14 November 2013

10 October 2013

26 September 2013

Cute (animal) facts


7 May 2013

Future perfect

Storing tomatoes
If you buy tomatoes from the shops it is likely they will have been kept in the fridge before getting to you. Therefore the best way to store them at home, to keep them at their best for longer, is to keep them in the fridge, in their original packaging. When you want to use them take them out of the fridge and let them reach room temperature for optimum taste.If you grow your own or know they haven't been kept in a fridge before then for best flavour keep them at room temperature. But of course if you know you won't get round to eating them in a couple of days pop those int he fridge so they don't go to waste.


19 February 2013

Some, any, no, every

source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=579128838766928&set=a.384715731541574.98999.384707561542391&type=1&relevant_count=1&ref=nf
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