21 December 2014
13 December 2014
11 December 2014
10 December 2014
Drought and water shortage in California
6 December 2014
2 December 2014
29 November 2014
27 November 2014
26 November 2014
25 November 2014
19 November 2014
Thanksgiving ideas
Turkeys are a great excuse to bring figurative language into the classroom this November. Try giving your students a list of turkey idioms and have them guess what the idioms mean. Then give them a list of the real meanings and see if they can match the expressions to their definitions. You might want to include the following expressions: quit cold turkey, talk turkey, like turkeys voting for Christmas, a turkey shoot, I’m stuffed, stuff it, eat like a bird, and be a turkey. Also feel free to expand your idiom lesson by including idioms that mention other animals. (http://busyteacher.org/21351-thanksgiving-10-activities-to-celebrate.html)
Turkeys are a great excuse to bring figurative language into the classroom this November. Try giving your students a list of turkey idioms and have them guess what the idioms mean. Then give them a list of the real meanings and see if they can match the expressions to their definitions. You might want to include the following expressions: quit cold turkey, talk turkey, like turkeys voting for Christmas, a turkey shoot, I’m stuffed, stuff it, eat like a bird, and be a turkey. Also feel free to expand your idiom lesson by including idioms that mention other animals. (http://busyteacher.org/21351-thanksgiving-10-activities-to-celebrate.html)
14 November 2014
3 November 2014
27 October 2014
22 October 2014
19 October 2014
18 October 2014
16 October 2014
Famous people together
famous people,
past continuous,
15 October 2014
14 October 2014
8 October 2014
7 October 2014
Where the hell is Matt?
3 October 2014
2 October 2014
30 September 2014
29 September 2014
28 September 2014
25 September 2014
22 September 2014
17 September 2014
Personality adjectives
NEF Upper,
Upp 1B,
16 September 2014
15 September 2014
11 September 2014
10 September 2014
8 September 2014
7 September 2014
6 September 2014
4 September 2014
31 August 2014
Very interesting historical photos
activity idea: describe photo and guess place / year / event
match photo with event
activity idea: describe photo and guess place / year / event
match photo with event
"Turn a quote into a masterpiece"
for teachers,
28 August 2014
14 years of history in photos
students can describe the photo and guess what's happening without looking at the descriptions
they can match the descriptions to the photos (afterwards)
students can describe the photo and guess what's happening without looking at the descriptions
they can match the descriptions to the photos (afterwards)
8 August 2014
7 August 2014
31 July 2014
30 July 2014
29 July 2014
14 July 2014
22 June 2014
16 June 2014
24 May 2014
23 May 2014
13 May 2014
Mobile phone addiction
9 May 2014
6 May 2014
5 May 2014
30 April 2014
26 April 2014
22 April 2014
15 April 2014
14 April 2014
4 April 2014
2 April 2014
“If a 10-year-old lit a fire at an American playground, someone would
call the police and the kid would be taken for counseling.”
29 March 2014
25 March 2014
17 March 2014
5 March 2014
3 March 2014
2 March 2014
27 February 2014
26 February 2014
18 February 2014
16 February 2014
12 February 2014
11 February 2014
10 February 2014
8 February 2014
7 February 2014
30 January 2014
23 January 2014
Short comedy skits
22 January 2014
9 January 2014
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Exciting websites
- Hungarian festival in NYC and Washington DC
- Adopt a word that has been eliminated from the Oxford dictionary :)
- Lots of e-books
- Test your brain - is the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise?
- Guess where my accent is from
- Donate rice by doing a guiz - advanced
- The Earth Calendar
- isitchristmas.com
Article links
- "We have to scan 17 items per minute and CCTV will see if I stop smiling"
- 'Human tortoise' girl comes out of her plastic shell after 12 YEARS
- 'Will anyone sleep with my Down's syndrome son?'
- 10 Amazing Tech Gadgets you can't get here
- 10 imaginative excuses for being late
- 12 Unusual Food Museums
- 20 things you didn't know about ... death
- 20 things you didn't know about ... hygene
- 20 things you didn't know about summer (solstices)
- A tragedy that won't fade away - web privacy, death, drugs
- Ashton Kutcher's fashion advice
- Baby badger rescued
- Bad ideas in green tech (Newsweek)
- BBC Reality show - sewing clothes in India for a months
- Black and white twins
- Boy, 15, gets an exam pass - just for using the bus
- Boy, 6, takes the wheel after dad passes out
- Britain has a drink problem
- British woman arrested in Dubai after reporting rape is told to admit being drunk and marry her fiancé if she wants to be freed
- Cat who boarded same bus every day for four years killed in 'hit and run' (commuter cat :-))
- China 'spying on Skype messages'
- Disney's first ever black princess - looks white
- Doctor drills boy's skull to save his life
- Drug badly behaved children?
- Earth Hour 2009 around the world
- Emma Watson turns 18 and can get her hands on her own money
- English-speaking pupils are a minority in inner-city London primary schools
- Facebook attacked for ignoring 100 reports of 'grooming' and refusal to have panic button for users
- Fat people paid to walk their children to school
- Father's fury over children's 'pornographic' sweet wrappers
- Foods that help you sleep (and ones that don't)
- Friends Reunited murder
- Funny - hoax article about airline charging non-passangers
- Girls should not have to fear the world outside (Jycee Lee Dugard)
- Google Earth reveals 1000-year-old fishtrap
- Half-smoked cigar that Churchill stubbed out as he heard the Nazi army had reached Leningrad is sold for £4,500
- Henry VIII - mommy's boy? - graphology
- How did he do that? Derren Brown predicts lottery numbers on live TV
- How I lived on 1 pound a day
- Idiotic Ruling in Oxford Library - Nobody can reach the books
- Kindle eReader
- Laughing Baby vs. the YouTube commenters
- List finger replaced by...a USB drive
- Man killed by exploding mobile phone
- Michael Jackson becomes a Muslim
- Misspelled or mispelled?
- Mom lets son, 9, take subway home alone
- Most dramatic internet shake-up in 40 years to allow web addresses in languages from Arabic to Japanese
- Mothers are banned from looking after each other's children
- Mr and Mrs Slimming World
- MSNBC weird news
- Natalie du Toit - Amputee at the Olympics
- New Internet Craze
- Obama uses iPhone to win support
- Obsolete Technology: 40 Big Losers
- Old age starts at 27?
- Personal airbag saves life if avalanche hits
- Plaster going red before you do - sun protection
- Pregnant transsexual man!
- Recession causes more swearing
- Skeleton of younger sister of Cleapatra - murdered?
- Skull of giant sea monster found
- Smoking ban - less heart attacks
- Stupid US beer laws
- Thai PM ordered to quit over cooking show
- The Facebook Commandments
- The World’s Biggest Word Book Grows Again (Oxford English Dictionary)
- The YouTube rich list of the new stars making a fortune from their bedrooms
- Think yourself thinner
- Toddlers can no longer marry in Arkansas
- Too fat to work?
- Top 100 April's Fool Hoaxes
- Toughest cleaning questions answered!
- Tricky English Spelling and Pronunciation
- Unintentionally funny headlines
- Weird British Facts
- What famous people were like at school
- What it means to travel green
- White girl born Black
- Why no child is safe from the sinister cult of emo
- Why trusting pharmacists can be a health risk
Video links
- 10 things the government doesn't want you to know - by GA
- Ali the biggest loser (112 pounds)
- All 5-second movies in 5 minutes
- BBC World - Video and audio news
- BBC Worldwide on YouTube
- BBC4 Close-up Marianne Faithfull 1/5
- BBC4 Close-up Marianne Faithfull 2/5
- BBC4 Close-up Marianne Faithfull 3/5
- BBC4 Close-up Marianne Faithfull 4/5
- BBC4 Close-up Marianne Faithfull 5/5
- Bunny videos
- Fake English accents
- Friends - Thanksgiving Flashbacks
- Friends - The One That Could Have Been
- Friends thanksgiving 1992
- Friends Thanksgiving with Brad Pitt - season 8
- Global warming (National Geographic)
- Guess where my accent is from
- History of Scotland (Ep. 4, part 1)
- How BigMac is made
- How to be emo
- How to be English - making tea
- Kennedy's Assassination
- Letterman and De Generes discuss Oprah
- Little Girl, Big Heart - 7-year-old raising money for orphans
- National Geographic on YouTube
- Ready Steady Cook - GI food
- SchoolHouse Rock videos
- Thanksgiving 1956
- The Thanksgiving that almost wasn't Part 1
- The Thanksgiving that almost wasn't Part 2
- The Thanksgiving that almost wasn't part 3
- The world without us for 500 years
- Titanic - First class passengers
- Titanic - Frederic Fleet - Lookout
- Titanic - Violet Jessop - Stewardess
- Under One Roof - Reality show on a tropical island
- US food nutrition labels
- Videos with subtitles