27 September 2009

New words from the Midlands :)

A learnt these new expressions from Hanga, who's just started work (training) as a pharmacist in the UK. Mostly medical and disgusting, but the last item is exciting!

bunions=bütyök (nagylábujjon)
cold sore=herpesz
nits=eggs of lice=tetütojás, serke :S
athletes' foot=lábgomba
hash=futómozgalom, ami a kocsmában ér véget :), more info at:


Listen to the song and read the lyrics at the same time!

(You may have to scroll down to start the actual video - and you might wanna ignore the scientology ads :S)

source: tanarblog.org

History of Scotland

Part of a documentary, Scottish accent!

15 September 2009

Google maps rules!

This is actually personal but I just HAVE TO share it.
This is the house I lived at for a year in England... I can take a virtual walk down to the shops, etc. Cool.
For you, it can be exciting to see what streets and houses look like in Britain... or anywhere else in the world. (You can actually see the funny yellow zig-zag signs painted on the road - never managed to figure out what they mean. Maybe 'no parking'?)

Formal apologies

cheeky chat show apologies

9 September 2009

Video about open-mindedness

open-mindedness ≠ believing things without any explanation

(from Abe - thanks :-))

8 September 2009

Obama's back-to-school speech



"There is no excuse for not trying" he said in the speech. He said students must be individually responsible for their education, and that it's important to work hard, pay attention in school and complete assignments.
"Whatever you resolve to do, I want you to commit to it," Obama said. "The truth is, being successful is hard. You won't love every subject that you study. You won't click with every teacher that you have."
"At the end of the day, we can have the most dedicated teachers, the most supportive parents and the best schools in the world, and none of it will matter unless all of you fulfill your responsibilities," the president said.

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